The Life and Death of the Men's Movement

In 1990, poet Robert Bly published the groundbreaking book Iron John. That same year the Bill Moyers PBS special A Gathering of Men introduced America to what would come to be known as The Men’s Movement.

Across the nation, and throughout the world, men began to gather together to support one another in a way that would compliment the radical social change that had begin with The Women’s Movement.

25 years later, Elliot Rodger, a self-confessed “incel” or “involuntary celibate,” murdered seven women on a college campus in retaliation for his inability to attract a female sexual partner.

Astoundingly, Rodger and other incels who followed his example consider themselves to be part of a Men’s Rights Movement, an outgrowth of The Men’s Movement that focuses on men’s legal rights.

Author Eric Swirkal revisits 40 years of Men’s Movement experiences to answer the question: how is it that a movement whose aim was to empower men to live in harmony with women produced a culture that believed murdering women is somehow supporting the rights of men?


